On Tue, 2006-03-21 at 14:26 -0800, Dean Blackburn wrote:
I'm just writing to see if anyone else is seeing the following issues, and particularly if they are running OS X (especially 10.4), and/or have compatible solutions (I've been reading the mailing list quite a bit, and every now and then, I find a solution that just "doesn't work" because of the differences in OS:
- Too many files open - no plimit command on OS X, so I can't figure out how to increase the max number of open files... Also, are there any alternative means of CLOSING the files? stopping/restarting dovecot didn't seem to help;
Which process is running out of them? There are multiple Dovecot processes, and each could have a different reason of running out of file handles.
- I was running 1.0beta1 last week, and am now on 1.0beta3, but I'm still not seeing corrupt indexes/other dovecot files rebuilding themselves. I really can't stick with this solution if I'll always have to worry about manually fixing broken caches/indexes.
First of all they shouldn't anymore be corrupting themselves at least easily. What exactly are the error messages you're seeing?
Also as far as I know they're rebuilding themselves automatically in most situations. Only if Dovecot crashes because of the corruption it doesn't get rebuilt. If it's not crashing with you, could it be just that they keep re-breaking all the time?