hello list hello dovecot network hello all the reader
here is a sieve script this ######################################## require ["fileinto","regex","comparator-i;ascii-numeric","reject","relational"]; # rule:[spammanage] if header :value "ge" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" ["X-Spam-score"] ["500"] { reject "NO SPAM"; stop; } if header :value "ge" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" ["X-Spam-score"] ["100"] { fileinto "Junk.spam"; stop; } if header :value "ge" :comparator "i;ascii-numeric" ["X-Spam-score"] ["10"] { fileinto "Junk"; }
elsif anyof ( header :contains "Received" [ "[", "[", "[", "[63.123.149.", "[63.209.206.", "(", "[63.251.200.", "[64.41.183.","[64.49.250.", "[64.57.188.", "[64.57.221.", "[64.62.204.", "[64.70.17.", "[64.70.44.", "[64.70.53.", "[", "[","[64.191.25.","[64.191.36.", "[64.191.9.", "[64.125.181.", "[64.191.123.", "[64.191.23.", "[64.239.182.", "[65.211.3.", "[66.46.150.", "[66.62.162.", "[66.118.170.", "[66.129.124.", "[66.205.217.", "[66.216.111.", "[66.239.204.", "[67.86.69.", "[80.34.206.", "[80.80.98.", "[", "[128.242.120.", "[157.238.18", "[]", "[", "[", "[200.24.129.", "[200.161.203.", "[]","[", "[203.19.220.","[203.22.104.","[203.22.105.", "[204.188.52.", "[", "[206.26.195.", "[206.154.33.","[206.169.178", "[207.142.3.", "[208.46.5.","[208.187.", "[209.164.27.","[209.236.", "[]", "[","[]","[211.239.231.", "[212.240.95.", "[", "[213.225.61.", "[216.22.79.","[216.39.115.","[216.99.240.", "[216.126.32.", "[216.187.123.","[", "[218.145.25","[","[", "[", "[]" ] ) { fileinto "Junk"; } elsif anyof ( header :contains ["SPAM", "X-Spam-hits"] [ "X_OSIRU_SPAM_SRC" ] ) { fileinto "Junk"; } elsif anyof ( header :contains ["from", "received"] [".jp ", ".kr ", ".jp>", ".kr>"]
) { fileinto "Junk"; } elsif anyof ( header :contains "Content-Type" [ "GB2312", "big5", "ECU-KR", "ECU-TX", "HZ", "EUC-JP" ] ) { fileinto "Junk"; } elsif anyof ( header :regex "Subject" "^=\\?(gb|GB)2312\\?" # Chinese ecoding at subject ) { fileinto "Junk"; } elsif anyof ( header :regex "Subject" "^=\\?big5\\?" # Other kind of Chinese mail ) { fileinto "Junk"; } ################################################# I tested that emails are not from japan and korea I would like to add one condition: that is, the emails from japan or korea who are destined for which I am mailling subscriber does not end up in Junk and I do the same test in the header: contains "Content-Type"
thanks for your help thanks for advice