On 28/05/2021 13:10 Gabx <gabriel1@tcpreset.net> wrote:
On 5/28/21 11:51 AM, Aki Tuomi wrote:
On 28/05/2021 12:39 Gabx <gabriel1@tcpreset.net> wrote:
On 5/28/21 11:24 AM, Aki Tuomi wrote:
On 28/05/2021 12:21 Gabx <gabriel1@tcpreset.net> wrote:
Hi, on my vps (debian stable) I have an email system with postfix, dovecot, virtual users and domains. I have 3 users with different mail_locations.
the first mail_location = maildir: ~ / Maildir the second mail_location = maildir: ~ / user1 / Maildir the third mail_location = maildir: ~ / user2 / mail
In postfix the above schema is represented in virtual_mailbox_maps.
In dovecot mail_location is set maildir:~/Maildir.
The first user receives regular mail, the other two none.
You can return
Ensure that
doveadm user targetuser
showsYou do this by providing three different values for mail attribute in your passdb or userdb, for these users.
You can use
userdb { driver = passwd-file args = /etc/dovecot/override.passwd }
to do this if it's not feasible with your current userdb provider.
If I understand correctly I can repeat the userdb section:
userdb { driver = passwd override_fields = mail=~/Maildir }
userdb { driver = passwd override_fields = mail=/home/user1/user1/Maildir }
userdb { driver = passwd override_fields = mail=/home/user2/user2/mail }
What do you think of this setup ?
That you totally misunderstood my point.
userdb { driver = passwd-file args = /etc/dovecot/override.passwd }
user1:*:::::::mail=~/user1/mail user2:*:::::::mail=~/user2/mail