4 Sep
4 Sep
11:56 a.m.
Today, Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi> wrote:
v0.99.11 2004-09-04 Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>
Congratulations (-:
I'm sorry to get to you so late with this question, but what happened to the namespace fixes that were in e.g. 0.99.11-test4? Does this change have anything to do with it: <URL:http://dovecot.org/list/dovecot-cvs/2004-July/002978.html>?
I'd really like to continue using my "mail."-prefixed imap mailboxes (-:
Andreas Fuchs, <asf@boinkor.net>, asf@jabber.at, antifuchs