21 Feb
21 Feb
9:36 p.m.
is this a feature or a bug in conjunction with apple mail. i usually use the feature in imap to not delete the emails, but only mark them as deleted, which is a very usefull feature if you use a emailbox with more people accessing it. Im now trying an SME server installation with dovecot 0.99.10, and when i delete a message, it gets marked as deletet, but as soon as i change the mailbox the mail gets also expunged from it. is this a bug fixed in the newer dovecot releases ? or is this a feature that i can configure ?
W.E.L.T. - Joerg Lentsch Mitterweg 16 Via di mezzo ai piani Tel: +39 0471 973020 I-39100 Bozen Bolzano Fax:+39 0471 974131 Suedtirol - Italien - Italia