I mean same user having concurrent session on more than one backend. This will likely cause index corruption. Same applies for dovecot doing delivery on differenr backend than where the user is currently logged in. 

On 19 October 2018 at 17:57 Albert Whale < Albert.Whale@IT-Security-inc.com> wrote:

Maybe I misunderstand. Each user is only able to access their mailbox from a single connection at a time. Other users can access the NFS Spool from other connections, I think that is what I am calling Concurrent connections.

Is that the same definition you have?

From: dovecot [mailto: dovecot-bounces@dovecot.org] On Behalf Of Aki Tuomi
Sent: Friday, October 19, 2018 10:05 AM
To: Albert Whale < Albert.Whale@it-security-inc.com>; dovecot@dovecot.org
Subject: RE: Dovecot 2.2.13 error message

Concurrent access is not supported. One user should access mail using one backend at a time. You can use dovecot in director mode to prevent this.


On 19 October 2018 at 16:47 Albert Whale < Albert.Whale@IT-Security-inc.com <mailto: Albert.Whale@IT-Security-inc.com> > wrote:

Yes, there is currently concurrent usage because the Mail spool is NFS


Here is the current configuration:

dovecot -n

# 2.1.15: /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf

# OS: Linux 3.10.54-server-2.mga3 i686 Mageia 3

base_dir = /var/run/dovecot/

disable_plaintext_auth = no

lock_method = dotlock

login_greeting = SpamZapper Email ready.

login_log_format_elements = user=<%u> method=%m rip=%r lip=%l %c

mail_debug = yes

mail_fsync = always

mail_location = maildir:~/Maildir

mail_nfs_index = yes

mail_nfs_storage = yes

mail_privileged_group = mail

mbox_lock_timeout = 15 mins

mmap_disable = yes

passdb {

driver = pam


protocols = imap pop3

service anvil {

client_limit = 1000

process_limit = 1


service auth {

user = root


service imap-login {

chroot = login

client_limit = 10

user = dovecot

vsz_limit = 256 M


service pop3-login {

chroot = login

client_limit = 1024

user = dovecot


ssl = no

syslog_facility = local2

userdb {

driver = passwd


verbose_proctitle = yes

protocol pop3 {

mail_max_userip_connections = 20

pop3_logout_format = top=%t/%p, retr=%r/%b, del=%d/%m, size=%s

pop3_uidl_format = %08Xv%08Xu


protocol lda {

postmaster_address = postmaster@example.com <mailto: postmaster@example.com>


protocol imap {

mail_max_userip_connections = 30


For the time being, I have isolated usage of POP3 connections on a single

Servers, however IMAP is especially problematic.

From: Aki Tuomi [mailto: aki.tuomi@open-xchange.com <mailto: aki.tuomi@open-xchange.com> ]

Sent: Friday, October 19, 2018 2:51 AM

To: Albert Whale < Albert.Whale@IT-Security-inc.com <mailto: Albert.Whale@IT-Security-inc.com> >; dovecot@dovecot.org <mailto: dovecot@dovecot.org>

Subject: Re: Dovecot 2.2.13 error message

On 18.10.2018 15.15, Albert Whale wrote:

In attempting to reactivate my IMAP communications with my Email Spool (NFS

Mounted), I have gotten the following while attempting to download the

Emails via POP3.

Oct 18 08:00:45 ns4 dovecot: pop3-login: Login: user=<aewhale>,

method=PLAIN, rip=, lip=

Oct 18 08:02:40 ns4 dovecot: pop3(aewhale): Error: Timeout (180s) while

waiting for dotlock for transaction log file


Oct 18 08:02:40 ns4 dovecot: pop3(aewhale): Disconnected: Storage error

during logout. top=0/0, retr=11511/1566975544, del=11511/11511,


Oct 18 08:02:58 ns4 dovecot: pop3(aewhale): Connection closed top=0/0,

retr=0/0, del=0/11520, size=1566929900

This is significantly more information than what I can receive from 2.1.15,

but still does not resolve the communications issues.

Any help is certainly appreciated.




Seems something is locking the index. Do you have concurrent usage between

two or more nodes for same user?


Aki Tuomi

Aki Tuomi