On Monday 25 April 2005 22:25, Del Stoliker wrote:
First off I've just got to say thanks. We just upgraded from UW to Dovecot migrating from mbox to maildir. Wow, what a difference! Load average used to hang around 5.0 during business hours and could get up to 20+ on a bad day. Now we rarely break 1.0!
I'm wondering if there's a way to keep track of the last time a user checked their email and whether they checked it using POP or IMAP. We're trying to gather statistics on what protocols our users use and find accounts that haven't been checked for a long time. We used to be able to do some of this with the finger command and the user's mbox. I found a script called "mfinger" that works better with Maildir, but it's designed for Courier.
You don't say how you wish to access this information, but this works:
egrep "(pop|imap)-login: Login:" /var/log/mail.log | grep USERNAME| tail -1
Assuming you run it before you rotate your logs, or you could miss out.
Another way is to modify Dovecot a little and have it record whatever activity details you want directly into a Database, ie: SQLite / MySQL. This should be simple to do for some inclined developer (if this is a commercial project).
Any ideas?
Dominic GoodforBusiness.co.uk I.T. Services for SMEs in the UK.