I'm a bit green around the gills with this kind of thing.
I download the original source at http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/precise/mail/dovecot
And the Pigeonhole source at http://pigeonhole.dovecot.org/download.html
This is where I got stuck really - I wasn't sure how to integrate the pigeonhole source into the dovecot source.
<http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/precise/mail/dovecot> On 21/12/12 12:15, Daniel Parthey wrote:
Hi Tim,
Tim Smith wrote:
I'm using an Ubuntu Server OS (10.04) and it seems that the latest package they provide is 1.2.9.
Do you know if anyone has had any success getting a Dovecot 2 package on this Ubuntu distro and how they went about it (Not comfortable compiling sources at this point!!)? We downloaded the ubuntu dovecot source package from packages.ubuntu.com and updated the dovecot tarball to a current 2.x version using the uupdate tool (comes with ubuntu).
Then we replaced the pigeonhole directory with a current version from the pigeonhole tarball to fix some crashing bug regarding managesieve.
With dch -i you can edit the changelog and increase package version or patchlevel.
Finally build the deb packages with dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us
Good luck, Daniel