14/08/15 23:33, J. Echter пишет:
thanks for your reply.
Would be nice to have a look at this script :)
Thanks for your offer.
When you converting maildir-based mail boxes, you must grant write access to anyone to root mailbox folder, elsewhere conveting failed (dsync runs in user access space). I.e. when your layout is /usr/folder/mailbox1, /usr/folder/mailbox2 etc. you must grant access to /usr/folder. Script detects user home directory and placed mail onto it.
commonlib.sh and colorprint.sh placed anywhere on PATH, /usr/bin is good place.
Message "INBOX exist..." you can safely ignored
-- С Уважением. Ачилов Рашид Нурмухамедович (AchilovRN@granch.ru) Главный специалист по защите информации ООО НПФ "Гранч", тел: +7 (383) 233-35-12, доб. 107