Hello everyone,

I'm using getmail to fetch some external mails from POP3 into a dovecot mailbox (providing IMAP). Getmail seems to have some serious problems keeping track of mails already fetched. I have every Mail exactly twice in my Mailbox delivered by Dovecot. Of course they are not in the original external POP3 Inbox.

I hope I'm in right place here. I think the problem is not dovecot related, but getmail. As there is a huge number of user complains about getmail (and obviously no alternative?!) I hope to find some help here for a workaround.

I noticed getmail can be configured for some kind of filtering to sort out Mails for local delivery to dovecot.

Does anyone know how to query the message-id (given by mail-headers) with doveadm?

My first test was this:

doveadm fetch -u my-mailbox@domain.net "mailbox date.sent" message-id "<369408722.286104911.1547114312259.Foo.root@someone.org>"

But then I noticed this is only ment to be used with dovecot internal GUID - I think... Is it possible to query for the mail message-id also? Is it posible to reconfigure indexing to include this propery from the original message-file? I made a small perl-script to extract it using Perl-Lib Email::Simple.

To: my-mailbox@domain.net
Message-ID: <369408722.286104911.1547114312259.Foo.root@someone.org>
Subject: Some test

I also already tried the doveadm deduplicate, but this also doesn't work as it is also basing on the internal GUID of dovecot and every duplicate-message seems to have a new, unique GUID.

doveadm deduplicate -u gabriel.kaufmann@gmx.net mailbox-guid

May be anyone know a better solution.

Best regards

Gabriel Kaufmann