On 02/02/08 12:27:14, Ronald MacDonald wrote:
On 02/02/2008, Gary Funck <gary@intrepid.com> wrote:
Corrupted index cache file /home/user/mail/.index/.imap/INBOX/dovecot.index.cache: invalid record size
First of all, being NFS, I presume the system does not support locking. Might it be an idea to check that the user isn't using two clients at the same time? I found that this became a problem over NFS when a user was using both a webmail interface and a standard client eg Thunderbird on the same account.
The user is using two clients (Live Mail(tm) and Apple Mail, IIRC), and might have them both running on different computers. His mailbox is also 380 Megs., fyi.
Regarding NFS, although /home is exported via NFS, it is a local ext3 partition on the server where dovecot is running, and dovecot runs only on that server. Mail is delivered locally to /home/$user/mail/inbox via sendmail+procmail. Reading the wiki, this sort of configuration shouldn't cause locking problems.
Where does Dovecot put the INDEX? My problem disappeared as soon as I set INDEX=MEMORY.
Hmmm, didn't know about that option, but see it described here: http://wiki.dovecot.org/MailLocation Does this mean that as long as the dovecot server is long-running that it will cache indexes into local memory? Or is the index kept in memory only for the per-client connection?