On 26.10.2016 09:27, Gandalf Corvotempesta wrote:
Il 24 ott 2016 5:11 PM, "Michael Seevogel" <ms@ddnetservice.de> ha scritto:
I meant your old server. With "old" I was expecting something like Debian Sarge or SuSE Linux 9.3. That would have been really old, but since you are on Debian Squeeze, I would definitely choose the way with an upgraded Dovecot version and its replication service.
Is 2.1 from squeeze-backports enough to start the replication over a newer server with dovecot 2.2? Is this supported or both server must run the same version?
I've looked around but the replication system is still not clear to me. Any howto explaining this in details?
I would recommend using same major release with replication.
If you are using maildir++ format, it should be enough to copy all the maildir files over and start dovecot on new server.
Aki Tuomi Dovecot oy