On Tue, 2010-05-11 at 16:17 -0400, Phil Howard wrote:
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 14:38, Bradley Giesbrecht < bradley.giesbrecht@gmail.com> wrote:
On May 11, 2010, at 11:26 AM, Phil Howard wrote:
On Tue, May 11, 2010 at 12:59, Gerard Seibert <dovecot.user@seibercom.net
Virtual documentaion: http://www.postfix.org/virtual.8.html
This seems to be a delivery agent of its own. I don't want Postfix to do the delivery. I want Dovecot to do the delivery so it can create the additional cache/index files (whatever they were ... Dovecot documentation encourages this). So that means handing it off to the /usr/lib/dovecot/deliver program.
Basically postfix just needs to know that a username/email address is local and how to deliver.
And it did seem to do that already. Mail was sent to dovecot/deliver. It included the domain name. But deliver just didn't construct the mail_location correctly due to %d being empty. The resulting path with the empty space where the domain name should have been was used to actually deliver the mail. I read that file and the domain name was also in the headers. The domain was there, but %d didn't get it.
%d is derived from the right hand side of a username, dovecot's deliver couldn't care less about verifying the domain, since that is the MTA's job.
If you are using virtual users in main.cf this works for me. virtual_transport = dovecot
In master.cf this works for me.
dovecot unix - n n - - pipe flags=DRhu user=_vmail:_vmail argv=/opt/local/libexec/dovecot/deliver -d ${recipient}
Brad et al, you'd also might want to consider adding in -e as well, before -d to handle tempfails nicer
I tried it, but effectively, nothing happened. Maybe the other virtual_* stuff also needs to be configured. I've used that virtual_* stuff before
it certainly does
I'm using "passwd-file" to authenticate, and mail_location = to compose a pattern of where each maildir will be found. I won't be using a backend database (that's the last thing I want to do).
why not? it simplifies virtual users, you're trying to use a method primarily designed for system accounts, as demonstrated over the past several days you are only giving yourself pain for no reason.
I got the log file working. I had to tell Postfix to run dovecot/deliver as user:group vmail:vmail and that did it. It WAS running dovecot/deliver as some user whose name just happened to match (even though the mail didn't belong to the person who had that system account).
I'm looking over the Postfix virtual_* stuff again. Maybe there's new stuff since I last did Postfix about 6 years ago or so.
Summary of what I want to accomplish:
and it would be all solved using MySQL in 15 minutes (OK, maybe an hour if you don't know what your doing) but here you are days later and no further, even if it takes you 4 hours converting users and moving mail etc, it has to be better use of your time then you are getting now.
It takes only a few minutes to write a perl script to read a passwd file and insert into a backend DB. I did one a couple years ago to convert a qmail/vpopmail ystem, using CDB filees, to postfix/dovecot/mysql, the biggest time consumer was copying all of the mail to its new structured location.
I hope you are your own employer, because if you worked for someone else , they should be demanding an explanation for all the time wasting, that's not a personal attack, it is pure reality.