Quoting "Carlos Williams" <carloswill@gmail.com>:
On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 2:55 PM, Carlos Williams
<carloswill@gmail.com> wrote:On Thu, Feb 25, 2010 at 2:41 PM, Rick Romero <rick@havokmon.com> wrote:
Try adding a namespace.
namespace private { separator = . prefix = INBOX. inbox = yes }
I made that change and reloaded Dovecot and all my users on the mail server lost the folders...
Sorry - I was wrong. This didn't remove anything from my server. I guess it helps when you issue the ls -la command. I was just being paranoid. My question now is how do I clean up my Maildir/ to how it should be?
No problem - it's the display that was changed due to the namespace config.
Right now after the change and successfully restarting IMAP, I have the following directory when I login to Linux. I haven't opened up any mail clients yet...
Do your users have their mailboxes back? That's the first thing. If
you're the only one with a funky layout, then forget yours, and get
theirs back to normal. :)
So instead of changing the namespace, I suppose it would be better to
conform your mailbox to what the server expects. So I guess I'd do:
mv .INBOX.CDW .CDW mv .INBOX.Dell .Dell mv .INBOX.Dell.Certification .Dell.Certification etc etc etc
Your .INBOX/ directory should contain cur/ new/ and tmp/ directories,
where you can move/copy the individual emails into your
~home/Maildir/cur/ new/ tmp/
Maybe you had a MUA with a .INBOX prefix set, and when you created
your folders, it stuck that in there... ?