Hi @ll
is there sombody who has experience with http://wiki.dovecot.org/Quota/Dict
which is a quota check trough mysql
i do not unstand the syntax here
plugin { quota = dict:storage=10240:messages=1000 proxy::quotadict }
why i have to build in storage=10240:messages=1000 in , if i only want to have the value of quota in my existing mysql i understand storage and messages as default parameters foer all users so this shouldnt be needed
plugin { quota = proxy::quotadict } but this dont work as i expected
an i also have problems with /etc/dovecot/dovecot-dict-quota.conf
connect = host=localhost dbname=mails user=mailuser table = quota select_field = current where_field = path username_field = username
i still have this quota field allready in db postfix table mailbox where username = '%u'
it seems this is an old style sql query
so i tried this connect = host=localhost dbname=postfix user=postfixadmin pass..... dbname = postfix table = mailbox select_field = quota username_field = '%u'
but this does not work ( which i am not wondering about *g )
and finally is thera a compliant to to the quotawarn feature with maildrop in dovecot?
Mit freundlichen Gruessen Best Regards Robert Schetterer
robert_at_schetterer_dot_org Munich / Bavaria / Germany https://www.schetterer.org https://www.schetterer.com/public-gpg-robert-schetterer.key -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (MingW32)
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