Am 28.07.2014 20:57, schrieb Rick Romero:
Quoting Reindl Harald <>:
Am 28.07.2014 19:58, schrieb Juan Pablo:
Hello I am using dovecot 1.2.15 on ubuntu.
Is it possible to somehow log the MUA information that is connecting to Dovecot?
The reason I am wanting to do this is I would like to know if people are getting their email on personal devices instead of work secured / standardized phones
from where should that information come?
dovecot has IP, auth-method, username, passwword, TLS that is logged - there is no more information available
grep the logs and analyze IP'sreslove the PTR's and you get some useful informations
IMHO, client certificates would work work well here. I think Dovecot supports it
yes, but you accept them or not
that's a different story than "log the MUA information"