6 Jul
6 Jul
5:09 a.m.
On 06/07/2019 07:15 @lbutlr via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:
is there a way to process a mailbox through an existing sieve script as it the mail was being delivered anew?
I’ve cleaned up a lot of my list-sorting scripts and I would like to process a bunch of mail again so it gets sorted properly.
If I can do this could I also do it for a specific date range?
For example, let’s say io want to reprocess all the messages that are in “Archive” from between 20190501 and 20190630?
Note that with 2.2.36 / 2.3.2 you can use 'a UID FILTER' command which accepts sieve script name or sieve script and search query. Which is basically what you are looking for.