would someone please send me the standard that you are working towards (rfc stuff)

in the mean time a bad email or folder or both are simply causing replication not to work

no there is no logging of any kind of an error

i would appreciate the info as i will start ripping down the c code to fix this

doveadm / replication (seems to be seperate ???)

remote , tcp tcps

nothing works

your co operation on this matter would be appreciated

i dumped the 5 accounts listed below

started from scratch

and it just simply DOES NOT WORK

all account replicate except for

# sync.status
Queued 'sync' requests        0                                                                          
Queued 'high' requests        5                                                                          
Queued 'low' requests         0                                                                          
Queued 'failed' requests      0                                                                          
Queued 'full resync' requests 0                                                                          
Waiting 'failed' requests     0                                                                          
Total number of known users   255                                                                        
username                       type        status                     
paul@scom.ca                   incremental Waiting for dsync to finish
nick@elirpa.com                incremental Waiting for dsync to finish
keith@elirpa.com               incremental Waiting for dsync to finish
ed.hanna@dssmgmt.com           incremental Waiting for dsync to finish
ed@scom.ca                     incremental Waiting for dsync to finish

always the same five accounts

and always they choke without any info

i am forced to do a sync every five minutes (ten minute intevals) to keep the servers in sync.

someone please give me a standard to work with otherwise the hacks that i do will be exactly that

a hack???