Alexander hi.

Aki caught the STARTTLS issue as well, I corrected it, but it still doesn't work.

Enjoy your weekend. I intend to enjoy mine!


Thanks again for your time.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: C. Andrews Lavarre <>
To: Aki Tuomi <>
Subject: Re: Upgrade to 2.3.1 has failed
Date: Sat, 15 Dec 2018 15:08:58 -0500

Aki thank you again.

If you and Alexander are stumped then surely I am too! I swear I didn't change anything, and indeed have tried going back to the backup of 10-ssl.conf, which worked under 2.2, but doesn't under 2.3 even after making the changes described in the upgrade documentation.

All I did was change all the repositories to Leap 15.0 from Leap 42.3 and execute zypper dup. It took several hours to complete at which point everything works just fine, except that Dovecot was upgraded from to 2.3.1 without my even agreeing to it... :-(

This version 2.3.1 is the openSUSE repository offering for their Leap 15.0.

I tried finding a rollback version yesterday—2.2.3, 2.2.9... I don't need all the bells and whistles, I just want it to work—but all had one kind of dependency hell or another... :-(

What I've done in the meantime is to mount /home/alavarre/Maildir with sshfs, and then point KMail at it, so I can read and write email without dovecot, but it would be nice to fix it IDC...

So maybe the right answer is to try the latest, perhaps in Tumbleweed... I'm usually allergic to self-compiling, I alway seem to find one dependency hell or another, but I'll go ahead and try anyhow.

I'll let you know. In the meantime all the failed logins have put me in jail by the provider (Cox Cable) accusing me of being a spammer... :-(

But for now I'll go have a gin and tonic and hit it again tomorrow...


Enjoy your weekend, and thank you again for your thoughts and time.

Cheers, Andy

On Sat, 2018-12-15 at 21:37 +0200, Aki Tuomi wrote:
There is still something wrong with your config. Btw if you are compiling yourself you might want to use 2.3.4

We test the cert functionality in our ci tests so I am fairly confident this is not a dovecot bug.
