On Fri, 2006-10-27 at 12:45 +0100, Pedro Venda wrote:
I intended to have authenticated binds but there was a problem with the user_filter directive being ignored: user_filter = (&(objectClass=JammMailAccount)(mail=%n@%d)(accountActive=TRUE) (delete=FALSE)) .. ldap(dave@info.test,::ffff: bind search: base=o=hosting,dc=example,dc=com scope=subtree filter= **(&(objectClass=posixAccount(uid=dave@info.test))** dovecot: Oct 26 16:20:58 Info: auth(default): ldap(dave@info.test,::ffff: unknown user dovecot: Oct 26 16:20:59 Info: auth(default): client out: FAIL 1
user=dave@info.test dovecot: Oct 26 16:20:59 Info: imap-login: Disconnected: user=<dave@info.test>, method=PLAIN, rip=::ffff:, lip=::ffff:, TLS(nevermind the data, it's test only)
As you can see from the info file, the search filter used was being (&(objectClass=posixAccount(uid=dave@info.test)) and not (&(objectClass=JammMailAccount)(mail=dave@info.test)(accountActive=TRUE) (delete=FALSE)).
user_filter is used by userdb only, after the password authentication was successful. So I guess you wanted to modify pass_filter instead?