On March 28, 2007 3:59:59 PM -0400 John Peacock <jpeacock@rowman.com> wrote:
Frank Cusack wrote:
You misunderstood that. After the release of 1.2.0, 1.1.x is frozen and development starts again in 1.3.0.
And then how do you release 1.2.1?
This is a well understood process (even/odd development). Once 1.2.0 is released, all new development moves to 1.3.x. 1.2.1 is a bugfix only (typically implemented first in the 1.3.x branch and then backported).
Right, so my point is, you have the same problem and can't tell which 1.3.x is newer than a 1.2.x (on a feature-by-feature or bugfix-by-bugfix basis). I guess it might not matter. But it's nice to say "use 1.2.5+" for such-and-such feature and not have to worry that 1.3.0 doesn't actually include that feature.