Steff Majeur <> (Do 20 Okt 2022 11:24:49 CEST):
I recently stumbled upon the following commit on the Dovecot core Github repository:
Apparently, Dovecot Director is going to be removed in the next major version of Dovecot and the commercial Dovecot cluster architecture will be its successor:
This would be a huge blow for many organizations around the world that are currently using Dovecot with Director in a shared storage environment.
We - the communitiy - are free to continue development of the director.
Especially large organizations should re-think their ideas of getting
free software for free.
I fully agree with you that companies should not associate "free
software" as free/gratis, and many are already doing so (see RedHat,
which produces "free software" and all its customers who pay for
technical support).