

We have got 2 directors and three backend mailbox servers.

I get the following error " Error: connect(ipc-proxy) failed: Permission denied".


I have read the article https://www.dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2012-August/137349.html

and we have done as signaled in the two director servers with no success,


So, we have tried now to set it like this:

                service ipc {

                  unix_listener ipc {

                    user = dovecot # This is already the default in v2.3.1+

                    group =

                    mode = 0777



that cause the socket to have full permissions:

                srwxrwxrwx 1 dovecot root 0 ago  8 10:00 /var/run/dovecot/ipc


but even so,  I still get the same behaviour.


And when you try "doveadm director kick user" , nothing happens


Can anyone give me any hint.


Thanks a lot in advance


Maren Zubizarreta

Sistemen Analista / Analista de Sistemas
94 601 8389

Barrio Sarriena,s/n | 48940 LEIOA
T.: +34 946012000 | F.: +34 946012200


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