Op vr, 16-03-2007 te 22:41 -0400, schreef Bill Boebel:
So for the example above, you can call it like this: deliver -d joe@abc.com -m spam To do this from Postfix, /etc/postfix/master.cf: dovecot unix - n n - - pipe flags=DRhu user=virtual argv=/usr/libexec/dovecot/deliver -d ${recipient} -f ${sender} -m ${extension}
I have this setup like that, although without the -f and -m options. Anyway, it seems that postfix first tries to run deliver with $recipient=joe+spam, and deliver happily creates a new mailbox 'joe +spam'. Any idea how to solve this?
The postfix documentation says it first tries to deliver to 'joe+spam', and then to 'joe'. I'm not sure why deliver just accepts the user+ext name, and creates a new folder.