On 22.8.2011, at 14.22, a.smith@ukgrid.net wrote:
just wanted to check this as the wiki seems to have contradictory information. With respect to running the LDA as multiple UIDs the wiki says:
[QUOTE]If you're using more than one UID for users, you're going to have problems running dovecot-lda, as most MTAs won't let you run dovecot-lda as root[/QUOTE]
Yep, that's a problem.
But in the example for the config file the text reads:
[QUOTE] service auth { unix_listener auth-userdb { mode = 0600 user = vmail # User running dovecot-lda #group = vmail # Or alternatively mode 0660 + dovecot-lda user in this group } } [/QUOTE]
Now you've gone outside the "Multiple UIDs" section in the wiki. There are the 3 different sections of how to run dovecot-lda a different way:
- with a lookup
- without a lookup
- multiple UIDs
None of their documentation is compatible with each others.