On Jun 18, 2010, at 9:15 AM, Marcio Merlone wrote:
Em 18-06-2010 12:24, Bradley Giesbrecht escreveu:
On Jun 18, 2010, at 7:57 AM, Marcio Merlone wrote:
Em 18-06-2010 10:23, Marcio Merlone escreveu:
Can some kind soul please help me find why this rule did not
work, what's wrong? I am using dovecot 1:1.2.10-0xk1. (...) Bizarre. Just changed ":days 1" to ":days 0" and it now worked.
That was my first message to her and failed. Odd. I understand that the vacation :days is kept by writing to a file.
Maybe you were unable to write to this file which killed delivery.
Changing to 0 ignored the file.Which file is that?
I'm working through this error in dovecot-deliver.log:
Error: file_dotlock_create(~/.dovecot.lda-dupes) failed: No such file
or directory
I have virtual users and need to changed this path. My vacation are
still sent so this may have nothing to do with your problem.
// Brad