Thanks, I used solr-config-7.7.0.xml as a replacment, it works.

I'll compare solr-schema-7.7.0.xml with dovecot- and find out the difference.


On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 11:46 AM Shawn Heisey via dovecot <> wrote:
On 4/22/2019 9:31 PM, luckydog xf via dovecot wrote:
> Only offers a solr-7.7.0 solrconfig.xml, does it apply to solr-8.0.0?

If the config was actually designed for 7.7, then it will work in 8.0.
If it was designed for 5.x or 6.x, there's a chance it won't work.

It sounds like you have a solrconfig.xml file and a schema file that are
not matched to each other.

The schema file found here looks to me like it will work in 8.0:

I think instead of using a solrconfig.xml that comes with Solr, you
should be using the one made for dovecot:

I do see a potential problem with that config, though ... there is
config that sets the df parameter (default field) to a field named
"_text_" (with underscores) ... this field does not exist in the schema.
