On Fri, 2009-02-13 at 11:46 +0300, Proskurin Kirill wrote:
Hello all.
I run on a problems?
dovecot: Feb 13 08:36:13 Error: IMAP(logistic@fxclub.org): Maildir filename has wrong W value:
The problem is what it says. It has wrong W value:
/var/spool/dovecot/domains/fxclub.org/logistic/.fxclub/1135926892.Re1a4ad89Q1436.newmail.fxclub.org,S=24630,W=2 4849:2,
It doesn't get fixed by itself easily, best would be to rename the file and drop the ,W=nnn part from it entire. But this will then cause the mail show up as new.
Looking at the filename it wasn't created by Dovecot, so what ever created it wrote the W= value wrong.
How can I fix it? It is safe to delete index files? Self healing seems to not work here.
Yes, self healing doesn't work and deleting indexes doesn't work. Only thing that works is to rename the file.