I've successfully implemented the mail_crypt plugin on v2.2.27 and it's working like a champ, but some of our administrative operations require access to Maildir messages in plaintext.

I've found numerous threads detailing help with mail_crypt setup, but none of my research has yielded a method of decrypting the stored messages.

Relevant plugin config:

  mail_crypt_curve = prime256v1
  mail_crypt_global_private_key = <pirvkey>
  mail_crypt_global_public_key = <pubkey>
  mail_crypt_save_version = 2

Method I attempted for manual decryption is listed below:

openssl pkeyutl -derive -inkey mailcrypt.key -peerkey mailcrypt.pub -out shared_secret.bin
openssl enc -aes256 -base64 -k $(base64 shared_secret.bin) -d -in test.enc -out test.txt

Openssl reports an error reading the input file, but it isn't permissions related.

I started looking for the encryption/decryption method in the source but figure it's worth seeing if there's some existing methodology I can employ here.

Appreciate any feedback. Thanks,

Ben Harrison