On Mon, 19 Feb 2007 23:32:27 +0100 Alexis Susset <admin@munai.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I recently installed Dovecot rc22 from the FreeBSD ports and I have
some problem with the dovecot startup:
- If I start dovecot manually, it works fine, it starts and I get
messages in /var/log/maillog- If I reboot the machine, that's where the problem appears, dovecot
doesn't seem to start and I get nothing, no errors in /var/log/maillogAny idea if this is a known problem and how to fix it ?
This sounds similar to a problem I've been having. You're the first person I know of, though, that has seen a similar problem. This is made even more puzzling by the fact that I'm using Gentoo and you're on FreeBSD.
In my case, the problem occurs when a mail_plugin is set in the "protocol imap" section (and only there). As near as I can tell, dovecot only fails when started from a non-interactive shell or background process (I'm not sure which is the actual culprit). Using "screen -D -m" to start dovecot bypasses this problem.
-- Marshal Newrock Ideal Solution, LLC - http://www.idealso.com