On 22.9.2012, at 19.11, Clemens Schrimpe wrote:
Well, that led my to believe, that there was something wrong with the -so called- "mach bootstrap context". I usually start dovecot from with a (home-brewn) startup-script, which invokes it (practically) like so:
sudo /usr/libexec/StartupItemContext dovecot
(again: all this was working fine under 2.0.15)
Now with 2.1.10, when I manually invoke dovecot with just
sudo dovecot
Everything appears to work fine - at least the sessions don't get stuck any more. But as soon as I logout (with dovecot still running in the background) it loses it's "mach bootstrap context" and finds itself unable to perform even the simplest tasks, like mapping a username to a uid, etc. pp. -- so starting it without the "/usr/libexec/StartupItemContext" in the background is out of the question.
I don't really know about mach contexts or how they're supposd to work..
What has changed with regards to "processual context" between 2.0.15 and 2.1.10 when the "imap" process is spawned/exec'd? Any environmental cleanups, closing of unknown fds, deletion/modification of environment variables, process-group-handlers, etc.?
Not much I think. I just looked at the diff between 2.0 and 2.1 and don't really see anything I could blame. If you have time you could try bisecting with mercurial (basically try different versions from hg) to isolate the change that broke it. I don't really have time to debug this..