On 2010/08/28 at 16:57, pfay@nd.edu (Patrick Fay) wrote:
Hi, I am running dovecot 1.2.11 on mac osx 1.5.8. Everything works perfectly with the application-level firewall off, but enabling the application firewall prevents dovecot connections.
My suggestion would be to turn the application-level firewall in "System Preferences" off and if you feel the need for a firewall, use something like ipfw instead: <http://developer.apple.com/mac/library/documentation/Darwin/Reference/ManPages/man8/ipfw.8.html>
It comes setup with the following configuration:
# ipfw show 65535 0 0 allow ip from any to any
So, you would have to configure it as you see fit. Not as convient as "System Preferences", but it should allow you to write a firewall configuration that works with Dovecot.