On 11 Apr 2020, at 15.20, Ben Mulvihill <ben.mulvihill@gmail.com> wrote:
I tried setting imapc_cmd_timeout = 10s and that was enough to take the download process past the ID stage and on to downloading messages. doveadm still failed the same ASSERT and core dumps, just not so soon. In four attempts I downloaded 4200, 1800, 0 and 4200 messages respectively. That was yesterday. I tried today and have successfully downloaded a further 20000 messages without any core dumps. I ended up interrupting the process myself because I was concerned at exceeding my ISPs fair usage limits. But by repeating the command from time to time I should gradually be able to synchronise the whole mailbox.
Those assert crashes are probably a bug of somekind. Maybe Aki or Timo could take a look at them.