On 6/2/2009, Steffen Kaiser (skdovecot@smail.inf.fh-brs.de) wrote:
The reason I ask is, some sites don't allow the use of the '+' delimiter, so having a second optional character, and/or the ability to use a dot anywhere in the local part, would provide a workaround to these site...
'+' is the separator of sendmail. The MTA must support it, too, to know that the recipient is local.
Qmail uses '-', in postfix you can configure the delimiter.
I know... I don't have local recipients, but you are right, I was forgetting that recipient validation is done by the MTA...
So, I'd need to find a way to trick postfix into seeing one or more alternate characters as '+' (or whatever it is defined as), for recipient validation purposes...
But, the LDA/Sieve would *also* need to be able to handle these same characters, for Delivery/Filtering purposes.
To insert a '.' anyplace into the recipient name, you have to do something on MTA level. E.g. with sendmail you could map:
'lo.calRecpient' to 'localRecipient+lo.calRecpient'
But that's not what I want. I want:
lo.calRecipient@example.com = localRecipient@example.com
for both recipient validation *and* Delivery purposes, *but*...
obviously the LDA (in addition to postfix) would have to understand that they are the same, and Sieve would as well, in order to be able to filter/file into a folder based on a matching rule *if* one exists - or just Deliver to the Inbox for localRecipient@example.com if one doesn't.
I have been using this ability in gmail for a long time, and it is extremely powerful, so I'd just love to see a private implementation.
Best regards,