With same config as Kerl and Your patch I'm still getting thiese errors
May 16 12:11:36 thebe2 dovecot: imap(lazy): Debug: Namespace backup_h1: type=private, prefix=backup-h1., sep=, inbox=no, hidden=no, list=yes, subscriptions=yes location=maildir:/snapshot/h1/vmail/la/lazy/Maildir:INDEX=MEMORY May 16 12:11:36 thebe2 dovecot: imap(lazy): Debug: maildir++: root=/snapshot/h1/vmail/la/lazy/Maildir, index=, control=, inbox=, alt= May 16 12:11:36 thebe2 dovecot: imap(lazy): Error: open(/snapshot/h1/vmail/la/lazy/Maildir/.SPAM/dovecot-uidlist.lock) failed: Read-only file system May 16 12:11:36 thebe2 dovecot: imap(lazy): Error: file_dotlock_create(/snapshot/h1/vmail/la/lazy/Maildir/.SPAM/dovecot-uidlist) failed: Read-only file system May 16 12:11:36 thebe2 dovecot: imap(lazy): Error: open(/snapshot/h1/vmail/la/lazy/Maildir/.SPAM/dovecot-uidlist.lock) failed: Read-only file system May 16 12:11:36 thebe2 dovecot: imap(lazy): Error: file_dotlock_create(/snapshot/h1/vmail/la/lazy/Maildir/.SPAM/dovecot-uidlist) failed: Read-only file system May 16 12:11:36 thebe2 dovecot: imap(lazy): Error: open(/snapshot/h1/vmail/la/lazy/Maildir/.SPAM/dovecot-uidlist.lock) failed: Read-only file system May 16 12:11:36 thebe2 dovecot: imap(lazy): Error: file_dotlock_create(/snapshot/h1/vmail/la/lazy/Maildir/.SPAM/dovecot-uidlist) failed: Read-only file system May 16 12:11:36 thebe2 dovecot: imap(lazy): Disconnected: Internal error occurred. Refer to server log for more information. [2012-05-16 12:11:36] in=259 out= 100540
maybe it will be easier to move all dovecot metadata to separate (non snapshot) location ?
Regards, Michal Grzedzicki
2012/5/14, Timo Sirainen <tss@iki.fi>:
On Fri, 2012-05-11 at 16:33 +0200, Karl Oulmi wrote:
namespace da1 { prefix = INBOX.backup.da1. hidden = no list = yes inbox = no location = maildir:/da1/%u/Maildir type = private }
I have two problems :
- In my log, dovecot complain about the fact that my snapshot filsystem is read only Error: open(/da1/test2@toto.com/Maildir/.Trash/dovecot-uidlist) failed: Read-only file system
See if http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-2.1/rev/7f238016db81 helps. If you're not saving mails via dovecot-lda it might still complain if there are new files.
Also if it complains about indexes add :INDEX=MEMORY to location.
Alternative to the patch is to add :CONTROL=~/Maildir/snapshot-control/% u or something to location, but that could get problematic also.
The second problem is that through my thunderbird I can't see the Inbox saved in the snapshot (whereas I see Sent and Trash folders)
It should be accessible as "INBOX.backup.da", although some older Dovecot versions don't handle that properly.