I've been poking around the dovecot wiki, and this idea looks plausible. I'm just double-checking with the assembled experts to see if there is some "gotcha" that will happen to me down the road.
I have in mind a deployment of dovecot which will use serve several unrelated domains. My plan is to use the complete email address of the users as the unique userid. So, for example, a user with email address <foo@example.COM> is unrelated to a user with email address <foo@example.NET>. The "home" directories of such users will look something like:
/some/path/foo@example.com/ /some/path/foo@example.net/
I do also plan to use ACLs for some things, so there could be ACL entries of the form:
user:foo@example.com ...
I will probably be using the quota plugin for individual users right away and group quotas later when that's officially available.
So, is all this likely to work or will it collapse in a miasma of unmet expectations?
Thanks in advance for any comments!