29 Aug
29 Aug
5:43 p.m.
"EK" == Eduardo M KALINOWSKI <eduardo@kalinowski.com.br> writes:
EK> Try fileinto "Lists.NCCC", the "." is the default folder
EK> separator.
EK> It should be possible to change it to a "/" with namespaces, but
EK> it would make a cosmetic change, and judging by other posts in the
EK> list, it seems to cause a lot more trouble than benefits. :-)
Though I don't think this will work with 1.0 deliver since it doesn't understand namespaces.
IMHO the sieve spec missed a trick in this respect. Given that there are many other places in sieve where a list of strings can be supplied as arguments it seems like it would be obvious that
fileinfo ["foo" "bar"];
could carry the meaning of file into the "bar" subfolder of "foo" and just short circuit the "what's the hierarchy separator?" question.
Maybe this was considered during the standardization process and rejected.