Il 02/04/2014 12:27, Jouko Nikula ha scritto:
Hello all,
Is there a way to use LMTP (or LDA) so that maildir index and dovecot-uidlist are not updated?
My setup is such that mail delivery sees user's maildir as write only. This setup works well when using postfix for mail delivery, but when I try to switch to dovecot LMTP the lmtp process wants to read the dovecot-uidlist and fails on insufficient privileges. Is there a way around this without exposing the maildir and mail home for read access?
Regards, Jouko Nikula
I'm running dovecot with index disabled on LDA (but isn't possibile to disable dovecot-uidlist update).
Disable index update with LDA is usefull in some situation (one POP/IMAP server and two or more MX) and can be set up with:
protocol lda { mail_location = whatever-you-have-now:INDEX=MEMORY }
Take a look at this thread:
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