Hello there,
today I upgrade dovecot to version (3c910f64b).
I'm running the mailcrypt plugin to encrypt my mailbox.
As referenced here (https://dovecot.org/pipermail/dovecot/2019-September/116974.html), I've added "userdb_mail_crypt_private_password=%{pkcs5,salt=%u,format=base64:password}" to my passdb file in order to not save the mailcrypt password in plaintext.
After I sucessfully upgraded dovecot, I can no longer login to my dovecot server.
The error says
"auth: Error: passwd-file(<email>): Failed to expand extra field userdb_mail_crypt_private_password=%{pkcs5,salt=%u,format=base64:password}: Unknown variable '%pkcs5,salt=%u,format=base64'"
I re-checked all the config files, but the configuration has not been altered after the upgrade.
What could cause this error and how can I fix it?