4 May
4 May
1:06 a.m.
On 3 May 2013 18:14, "Timo Sirainen" <tss@iki.fi> wrote:
GMail doesn't delete mails when POP3 client issues a DELE command for it.
Instead they just become invisible for future POP3 sessions, but they still exist for IMAP/webmail. The same could be implemented pretty easily for Dovecot:
- Add a new setting to enable this: pop3_deleted_flag = $POP3Deleted
- When DELEting a message, add this flag to the message.
- When listing messages, skip all messages that have this flag.
- Also hide this flag from IMAP clients(?)
Thoughts? Probably 20 lines of new code.
The EU laws not withstanding, I think this is a good thing. The world didn't revolve around the EU anymore than it does the US.
If enough people want it, and I can see it's use, even if 90% of my users won't need it, then put it in. Warn users to check the regulations of their jurisdiction before turning it on and off you go..