I took suggestions from https://forge.puppet.com/fraenki/wforce to set these in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/95-auth.conf

auth_policy_server_url = http://localhost:8084/
auth_policy_hash_nonce = our_password
auth_policy_server_api_header = "Authorization: Basic hash_from_running_echo-n_base64"
auth_policy_server_timeout_msecs = 2000
auth_policy_hash_mech = sha256
auth_policy_request_attributes = login=%{requested_username} pwhash=%{hashed_password} remote=%{rip} device_id=%{client_id} protocol=%s
auth_policy_reject_on_fail = no
auth_policy_hash_truncate = 8
auth_policy_check_before_auth = yes
auth_policy_check_after_auth = yes
auth_policy_report_after_auth = yes

And auth_debug=yes

in /usr/local/etc/wforce.conf
webserver("", "our_password")
So when I run:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" --data '{"login":"ouruser", "remote": "", "pwhash":"our_password"}' -u wforce:our_passwordi
{"msg": "", "r_attrs": {"defaultReturn": "1"}, "status": 0}

What's the value of wforce and super represent? -u for user? and super is the password for the user?
curl -X GET -u wforce:super
I always get: 
{"status":"failure", "reason":"Unauthorized"}

Using Squirrelmail and logging in brings up the mails but I see these Policy server HTTP error: 401 Unauthorized errors over and over:

Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client: peer Successfully connected (1 connections exist, 0 pending)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: peer Using 1 idle connections to handle 1 requests (1 total connections ready)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: queue http://localhost:8084: Connection to peer claimed request [Req1: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn [0]: Claimed request [Req1: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: request [Req1: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Sent header
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: request [Req1: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Send more (sent 100, buffered=357)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: request [Req1: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Finished sending payload
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: peer No more requests to service for this peer (1 connections exist, 0 pending)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn [0]: Got 401 response for request [Req1: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow] (took 1 ms + 3 ms in queue)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Error: policy(our_user,,<7CmLNXGDisV/AAAB>): Policy server HTTP error: 401 Unauthorized
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn [0]: Response payload stream destroyed (0 ms after initial response)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: request [Req1: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Finished
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: queue http://localhost:8084: Dropping request [Req1: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: request [Req1: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Free (requests left=1)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: peer No requests to service for this peer (1 connections exist, 0 pending)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn [0]: No more requests queued; going idle (timeout = 10000 msecs)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth-worker(18997): Debug: Loading modules from directory: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth-worker(18997): Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth/lib20_auth_var_expand_crypt.so
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth-worker(18997): Debug: Module loaded: /usr/lib64/dovecot/auth/libdriver_sqlite.so
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth-worker(18997): Debug: pam( our_user  ,,<7CmLNXGDisV/AAAB>): lookup service=dovecot
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth-worker(18997): Debug: pam( our_user  ,,<7CmLNXGDisV/AAAB>): #1/1 style=1 msg=Password:
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: policy( our_user  ,,<7CmLNXGDisV/AAAB>): Policy request http://localhost:8084/?command=allow
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: policy( our_user  ,,<7CmLNXGDisV/AAAB>): Policy server request JSON: {"device_id":"","login":"our_user","protocol":"imap","pwhash":"68","remote":"","tls":false}
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: queue http://localhost:8084: Set request timeout to 2019-03-06 13:32:18.444 (now: 2019-03-06 13:32:16.444)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: queue http://localhost:8084: Using existing connection to (1 requests pending)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: request [Req2: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Submitted (requests left=1)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: peer Using 1 idle connections to handle 1 requests (1 total connections ready)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: queue http://localhost:8084: Connection to peer claimed request [Req2: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn [0]: Claimed request [Req2: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: request [Req2: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Sent header
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: request [Req2: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Send more (sent 100, buffered=357)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: request [Req2: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow]: Finished sending payload
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: peer No more requests to service for this peer (1 connections exist, 0 pending)
Mar 06 13:32:16 auth: Debug: http-client[1]: conn [0]: Got 401 response for request [Req2: POST http://localhost:8084/?command=allow] (took 0 ms + 0 ms in queue)

On Wed, Mar 6, 2019 at 11:54 AM Aki Tuomi <aki.tuomi@open-xchange.com> wrote:

On 6 March 2019 18:25 Robert Kudyba via dovecot <dovecot@dovecot.org> wrote:

We have dovecot-1:2.3.3-1.fc29.x86_64 running on Fedora 29. I'd like to test wforce, from https://github.com/PowerDNS/weakforced

I see instructions at the Authentication policy support page,  https://wiki2.dovecot.org/Authentication/Policy

I see the Required Minimum Configuration:
auth_policy_server_url = http://example.com:4001/
auth_policy_hash_nonce = localized_random_string

But when I search for these directives, they're not found:
grep auth_policy_server_url /etc/dovecot/conf.d/*

Are these to be added to the /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-auth.conf file? Does anyone know if a good tutorial?

You can add them there if you want, dovecot combines all the files into one in the end.
Aki Tuomi