25 Feb
25 Feb
1:49 a.m.
On 25.02.2009 00:38 Daniel Aleksandersen wrote:
I created the group and set the permissions to deliver as described in the recepie. I then added just about every user to that group. I still get permission errors when dovecot tries to access my maildir. Setting permissions of the maildir to 777 ‘fixes’ the problem.
Other suggestions? :-)
According to your mail <http://dovecot.org/list/dovecot/2009-February/037726.html>: your users login with uid=postmaster gid=postmaster? In this case the owner of the maildirs should be also postamster. If you execute deliver with your postmaster-user all should be fine.
Regards, Pascal
Ubuntu is an ancient African word meaning “I can’t install Debian.” -- unknown