Therefore, Dovecot's plain text default, and the md5 option, are both non-GDPR compliant.
To avoid monetary sanctions, Dovecot ought to change how it stores passwords by default.
Please do not ignore this message.
GDPR is some piece of bull*it regulation made by the EU.
:D It is putting power back into the hands of customers. The European Union has done the most for consumer interests than any nation. Regulating privacy, regulating they own their data. Even this forced warranty on phones, that is longer in the EU than any where else. How dumb you need to be, to not see the advantage.
Dovecot is an international software with many users living outside of the EU and are therefore not legislated to those braindead EU regulations.
There is only one braindead person, the one continuing the path thinking a company will serve your interests better than .. you. :D
So, after my mandatory rant :D, the DEFAULT setup of dovecot should actually be as simple as possible.
I would disagree, it should be hard, so you do not get the wordpress type to install a mail server. This way you get more educated and responsible people managing them. This attitude of giving anyone access to everything is not good, see what you get when you give anyone a gun, the lunatics are shooting in schools. Why should the luntatics be able to manage someone else's email?
It is not the job of the Dovecot maintainers to try to enforce senseless regulations in some parts of the word.
:D are educated by sesame street? Most common and well known are the encryption export regulations. Or eg the digital services act of the EU. Maybe check what happened to telegram for not complying with regulations. :P
or wordpress, as an example, is also coming without that stupid cookie consent thing by default. You have to install a plugin to annoy your website visitors first. :)
Yes take wordpress as an example. These dumb #$@#$@# don't know anything of backporting and if you tell them how to reduce ~50% of their ftp commands during an update, the morons don't do anything.