30 Jan
30 Jan
1:22 a.m.
On Jan 28, 2009, at 12:17 PM, Stewart Dean wrote:
Surprise. After switching from 1.0.15 to 1.1.8 and doing the kill,
I found that all the imap-login instances had been inherited by the
root (1) process and did not go away. Yikes! An Unpleasant Surprise. So instead of being down for a minute, I was out for a much more
noticeable 5-7 minutes, while I QUICK did an awk of the ps list to
give me the pids and then xarg killed them. My boss asked me if
this was a pink slip notice. :(Is this The Way Things Will Be? Is there a new way to kill
everything DC related quickly and cleanly?
Can you reproduce this on a test system? They should go away