On 22 Nov 2018, at 22.28, Joel Dahl <joel@vnode.se> wrote:
I've just upgraded dovecot from 2.2.35 to on my mail server and noticed something odd. My mail clients (mutt and Apple mail) both stopped seeing new mail in my mailboxes.
For example, ~/Maildir/mailinglist1/new has 5 new mails. In mutt, vieweing the list of mailboxes mutt reports 0 new mail for "mailinglist1". Opening up the actual mailbox in mutt reveals the 5 new mails. Going back to the list of mailboxes, mutt now correctly reports 5 unread mails. Waiting a few hours, and about 10 new mails have arrived, but mutt still says 5 unread.
This is the same for every mailbox. As a test I deleted the index files for a specific mailbox and restarted dovecot. But it didn't help. I use procmail to deliver my mail into the Maildir folders, if that matters.
See if mailbox_list_index=no helps? Or switch to delivering via dovecot-lda (just tell procmail to deliver using it).