Paul Matthews wrote:
Hi there, i'm trying to get dovecot, procmail, postfix & SpamAssassin working together
But i'm not having a lot of luck, a question about dovecot, what kind of mail box am i using? mbox? if so does anyone know if procmail can use mbox?
protocols = imap pop3 imap_listen = [::] pop3_listen = [::] imaps_listen = pop3s_listen = log_path = /var/log/dovecot.log login = imap login = pop3 default_mail_env = mbox:/home/CATHEDRAL/%u/mail:INBOX=/var/spool/mail/%u auth = default auth_mechanisms = plain auth_userdb = passwd auth_passdb = pam auth_user = root
Yes, procmail can cope with mbox. From the procmail error, I'd consider what user procmail is running as and the permissions on /var/spool/mail/tmp/. Perhaps removing DROPPRIVS or changing the permissions. However, I haven't use procmail much so proceed with caution and thought. I use dovecot's own LDA and sieve for the filtering. It works nicely for me.
-- Duncan Hutty System Administrator, ECE Carnegie Mellon University
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