Which version of dovecot are you using?
Am 04.12.18 um 15:44 schrieb Larry Rosenman:
I have the following, and it works: require ["include","fileinto","imap4flags","variables"]; global "MyFlags"; if header :contains ["X-LERCTR-Spam-Flag","X-TNTSCAN-Spam-Flag"] "YES" { redirect "spamtrap@spambouncer.org"; addflag "MyFlags" "\\Seen Junk"; fileinto :flags "${MyFlags}" "SPAM"; stop; }
On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 8:25 AM Jakobus Schürz <wertstoffe@nurfuerspam.de> wrote:
Now i tried an additional rule in my "normal" working sieve-filter:
if address :domain :matches "from" "company.example" { setflag "\\seen"; fileinto :create "INBOX/foo/test"; stop; }
and sent an email from my company-account. The folder INBOX/foo/test gets created, but the message inside is not marked as seen.
So i think, this is a bug in dovecot/pigeonhole, which ignores the \\seen-Flag being set by sieve-script.
I tried to set the seen-flag to the message with doveadm. This works correctly.
BG Jakob
Am 04.12.18 um 14:23 schrieb Jakobus Schürz:
Ok. I tried another Thunderbird-specific Flag:
require ["imap4flags", "vnd.dovecot.pipe", "copy", "imapsieve", "environment", "variables"]; if environment :matches "imap.email" "*" { set "email" "${1}"; } addflag "Junk"; addflag "\\seen"; addflag "$label3"; pipe :copy "learn-spam.sh"; pipe :copy "learn-spam-sa.sh" [ "${email}" ];
When i move an unflagged email to Folder Junk, it is shown in Thunderbird as "personal", Junk but Unseen.
So, the rule is really working, except for the \\seen-Flag.
I have the line
addflag "\\seen";
from the dovecot-wiki!
BG jakob
Am 04.12.18 um 14:06 schrieb Jakobus Schürz:
Hi Ralph!
This is, what calls the correct sive-filter rules. I have that already in use. But the file file:/etc/dovecot/sievepipe/report-spam
contains my sieve-script from my first posting. So, the difference from setflag to addflag is, setflag sets the flags, and only the given flags (removing all other flags), and addflag adds a flag to the existing flags...
I fiddled around a little... The sieve-script sets the Junk-Flag, when it looks like:
require ["imap4flags", "vnd.dovecot.pipe", "copy", "imapsieve", "environment", "variables"];
if environment :matches "imap.email" "*" { set "email" "${1}"; }
addflag "Junk \\seen"; pipe :copy "learn-spam.sh"; pipe :copy "learn-spam-sa.sh" [ "${email}" ];
But the \\seen-Flag is not set.
When i comment out the addflag-line, the Junk-Flag is not set. So the line works correct... but only for the Junk-Flag, not for the seen-Flag..