On 16 Aug 2013, at 00:14 , Steffen Kaiser <skdovecot@smail.inf.fh-brs.de> wrote:
To replace the inner find, you could look at doveadm move -u <user> savedbefore ...
To replace maildirmake -f, look at doveadm mailbox create -u <user>
Thanks. If the script is running as the user, does doveadm still need the -u flag?
But you seem to create a new Maildir with each invokation of $MDM (no -f option). IMHO it seems to be easier to make a small script, that creates new/cur/tmp and, if not INBOX, touches maildirfolder.
MDM is only invoked if the target folder doesn't exist. For example, for this list the current target folder is .zz.dovecot.2013. Next year, it will change to .zz.dovecot.2014
(the .zz is because iOS mail does't support unsubscribing from mailboxes and doesn't let you collapse folders, so the zz puts these archive folders way at the end.)
-- I've got a sonic screwdriver! Yeah? I've got a chair! ... Chairs *are* useful.