On Wed, 19 Mar 2008, Anne Wilson wrote:
I really want the simplest possible design. I have created an account on the server called groupware. I've created a dimap account (in kmail on the
DIMAP == Disconnected IMAP?
client) called groupware and given it the password for the user groupware.
OK, what I've seen this should be enough, because IMAP is just the storage backend in this scenario.
When I found that I got rejections I read such docs as I found, and they
What type of rejections? From which service?
seemed to say that I must have sasl working. The docs on the kde site say that I need
Do you get the rejections from SMTP, e.g. when you "invite" people to an appointment and these mails are sent as user groupware?
How about to setup KMail-Account "groupware" to sent as yourself? Just the access to the shared Groupware data via IMAP is then handled with the shared "groupware" user. Would be better, too, if someone is going to abuse this account or got trojan/virus infected.
Steffen Kaiser -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
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