On Wed, 23 Aug 2017 21:19:33 +0100, Pallissard, Matthew
<dovecot@pallissard.net> wrote:
I've ran into this after an upgrade of one of my instances. For
whatever reason when I restarted the service there was still an old
process hanging around.Fully stopping the service, checking that there were no dovecot
processes running, then starting it up again resolved the issue.
Given I was confident that I always completely stop the service for any
upgrades I confess I was somewhat skeptical about this, but it worked.
I did a full stop of the entire mail system on both machines before
starting them again. Not restart, a stop command followed by a start
command, and looking at the log files I'm no longer getting complaints
about mixed binaries. I'm kicking myself for this one, but also grateful -
thanks for that.